Corporate blog research

Occassionally I surf the net looking for any stuff on work-related blogs. Today I came across some research on corporate blogs that I'd never seen before - despite the article being released sometime last year.

The article - Corporate blogging: Is it worth the hype? (John Cass, Kristine Munroe and Stephen Turcotte, Backbone Media) - assesses the value of corporate blogging (i.e. a type of website expected to bring positive rewards to the business).

I won't comment on the specific findings of the research as corporate blogging does not really interest me that much, but I will comment on some of the research findings that arguably have wider value, i.e. the ingredients for a succesful blog. They are summarised as follows:

1) provide your audience with sincere, useful and engaging content in the form of information

2) act on suggestions from your audience

3) always link to the work you refer to on your blog

4) goodwill to fellow bloggers brings the greatest returns

For a brief summary of article click here.

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