Getting that work-life balance just right

Meet the couple choosing family and work … by sharing both - read about a couple who not only split their domestic responsibilities down the middle; they actually share their job as well!

Barclays forecloses on dress-down bankers - In sharp contrast to the dress-down spirit of the age, workers have been told that wearing the wrong clothes could affect the financial performance of one of Britain’s oldest banks and that they could be ordered down the high street to buy an instant costume-change at their own expense.

Jobs are cut at Manchester United - 'backroom' staff over players' wages feel the pinch as MUFC receive less cash from TV and Premiership deals than in previous years.

Four new work-related blogs (all paramedics or EMTs): Nee Naw, Paramedic blog, Street watch: Notes of a paramedic, and, The adventures of MidwestMedic.


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