GP makes use of Web 2.0 technology

I came across quite an ingenious use of blog-like technology today in The Guardian's Society supplement.

In Voice of opinions Mary O'Hara interviews Paul Hodgkin, a GP, who is the main person behind Patient Opinion - said to be "about enabling patients to share their experiences of health care, and by doing so help other patients — and perhaps even change the NHS."

Alongside Patient Opinion is a blog called 'Stories from the Cutting Edge' - said to feature the "best stories from the site plus whatever comment and reflection we can muster."

Hodgkin is quite humble when it comes to commenting on the benefits of setting up a forum for patient to have their say, and remarks as such - "It gives managers that extra bit of bite to go to busy staff and say we've got to do something about this".

The interview is worth a read in itself, but it is the creative use of Web 2.0 technology that should have people sitting up and taking note of how the world can be changed through these freely available mediums of communication.

1 comment:

Spike said...

Sounds like a bloody good idea.