Working on the night shift

Once upon a time I worked regular shifts - days, nights and afternoons - and I am now so glad that those days are over.

In one sense I liked working nights as usually things worked at a different pace than on the day shift; there was also a sense that management trusted night shift workers more than those on days.

I also liked being in bed at 9 a.m. on a week day knowing that most people were just starting their daily toil.

Such sentiments returned to me the other day when the BBC News Website announced a series of articles that feature night working.

The first of these is entitled The human side of the 'Clockwork Orange' - featuring night-shift workers on the Glasgow subway.

The article is generally pitched at bringing to a wider audience of what it's like to work as part of 'Britain's growing 24-hour society'.

At the end of the article readers have the chance to comment on night work in general.

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