Web 2.0 and HRM

The CIPD has just published a discussion paper on the subject of Web 2.0 and human resource management.

The paper is entitled - Web 2.0 and HR (by Graeme Martin, Martin Reddington and Mary Beth Kneafsey).

The basis for the paper is that such technologies appear to have created 'more heat than light', mainly because Web 2.0 in organizations has until now been explored mainly through descriptive accounts, and that there has been little analysis of what is actually going on inside many organizations.

The conclusion from the initial report suggests what is required now is:

- An understanding of the extent that Web 2.0 represents a new idea. Is it different?

- The development of a clear vocabulary and terminology

- A serious consideration of the potential for and drawbacks of the use of Web 2.0 in today’s organisations.

A more detailed report is expected later in the year.

This is are I am also interested in - see my questionnaire on Web 2.0 and work.

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