Web 2.0 and HR management

I don't think this is the first post I have given the title of "Web 2.0 and HR"!!

This post relates to an article I came across the other day.

It's called HRTechnology: 'Mavens' and 'Connectors' by Wesley Wu of HR Executive Online.

I quite like the idea of using Web 2.0 in organisations for what Wu calls "tagging knowledge" (scroll down page to see).

This extract explains how tagging knowledge could work:

As employees find resources within the network, they also have the opportunity to tag them.

They may do this in employee blogs, entries on internal wikis, or participation in the network.

As employees in the network create blogs or post changes to an enterprise wiki, those entries can also be tagged to identify their content.

Network interactions in the form of blog comments and traffic to the specific Web page provide a measure through which popularity, insightfulness and expertise can be inferred.

A good article for any forward-thinking HR practitioner!


Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this...

Anonymous said...

thanks! best post!

stella said...

Thanks for providing us this useful information, because I was looking forward for this only.


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Unknown said...

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