It's called the Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications (IGI Global) and edited by San Murugesan of Multimedia University, Malaysia & University of Western Sydney, Australia.
The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications is a comprehensive reference source on next-generation Web technologies and their applications.
This in-depth collection covers the latest aspects and applications of Web technologies including the emergence of virtual reality commerce systems, the importance of social bookmarking, cross-language data retrieval, image searching, cutting-edge Web security technologies, and innovative healthcare and finance applications on the Web.
Examining the social, cultural, and ethical issues these applications present, this Handbook of Research discusses real-world examples and case studies valuable to academicians, researchers, and practitioners.
My chapter is number 49 - How employees can leverage Web 2.0 in new ways to reflect on employment and employers.
For far more details click here.
Nice blog i visited first time but it is much interesting,it nice new book.
Nice post, really a great and informative blog post... Thank you for the post
These programs are very useful in business offices and or other offices that needed this technologies.
First time I heard these book as what it has been stated on post. Maybe some informative articles will help and boost the office works with these great features.
I presumed that this efoort will be known someday as what happened in google.
I've heard about web3.0 and so I want to be advance, I have to grab that one too.
Great post, but the link does not work and I cannot find this book being sold on the internet. Is it not released yet and is there anywhere i can read it online?
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