It appears that LabourStart has re-launched it's trade unionist social networking site.
The social networking site is called UnionBook.
Updated tools include:
- post your photos, videos and music
- join existing groups and create new ones
- add comments to other people's content
- add events to our online labour calendar
- post entries to your blog
- update your status
- make friends
- use the online chat to talk with other trade unionists online
- invite friends and fellow union members to sign up too
- send us your questions, comments, and suggestions - use the special group called "UnionBook Help and Support Network" to do so.
The social networking site is called UnionBook.
Updated tools include:
- post your photos, videos and music
- join existing groups and create new ones
- add comments to other people's content
- add events to our online labour calendar
- post entries to your blog
- update your status
- make friends
- use the online chat to talk with other trade unionists online
- invite friends and fellow union members to sign up too
- send us your questions, comments, and suggestions - use the special group called "UnionBook Help and Support Network" to do so.
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