Web 2.0 worries for HR function

Some research from the USA by Clearswift suggests - 'more than half of HR managers have had to discipline staff for time wasting on the Internet'.

Highlights from the findings include:

64 percent of U.S. companies deny their employees access to social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo).

54 percent of HR decision makers have encountered or have had to discipline employees for time-wasting on the Internet.

14 per cent have had to discipline staff for data loss and 7% for posting inappropriate content on social sites but only 36% have a policy covering such usage.

23 percent of HR decision makers are unfamiliar with Web 2.0 technologies such as YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia.

For more details see Internet and Web 2.0 Creates Unfamiliar Battleground for HR Professionals.

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