Talking about non-work stuff at work

I should first of all acknowledge that I got this article via Workplace Fairness, which is a non-profit organization that promotes workplace policies and practices that work for everyone. It's far more extensive and in-depth than my blog and definitely worth a regular visit.

Some topics remain taboo in workplace - A societal shift toward more diversity in lifestyles has changed the rules on what is OK to talk about at work and what isn’t.

A recent radio series that looks at working in today's Britain can be found through this link to BBC Radio 4's Nice Work. The aim is cut through the jargon and get to the heart of what matters. Subjects covered in this year's series include ageing and retirement and what can be learnt from other countries; call centres and fair pay; gender at work; and, Scotland's shrinking workforce. Previous series are not available on the BBC's listen again service, but written scripts can be downloaded from Nice Work Transcripts.

A further resource available via the BBC includes a legal guide to work-related matters.

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