'Lost cause' employees

Apologies for my mini hiatus. I'd like to thank BT for being absolutely useless for the second time in less than a year. I hope there's some truth in a previous article about consumers starting to use weblogs, or blogs, as guides to what they should and shouldn't buy.

Anyway, according to an article - HR admits defeat over 'lost cause' employees (Dan Thomas) - courtesy of Personnel Today, HR professionals believe "awkward" staff are plaguing UK employers to such an extent that many believe they are a 'lost cause'. What is meant by awkward is constantly moaning, lying, bullying or worrying. Apparently, the "moaner" was the most common type of awkward employee, highlighted by 82% of those polled.

A comment believed to be typical of the findings is: "Our most difficult type of employee is an individual persistently putting up barriers not to do a particular job, and then inciting others not to do the job."

I can't help feeling that HR professionals lose sight of the fact that the "H" in their title is for "human" and not passive, dutiful, biological creatures expected to listen and respond to everything said and done by management. Managing people isn't easy and there certainly isn't a formula for managing people and managing profit at the same time. What is more, managing people well is often a thankless task and HR professionals need to be mindful of that fact.

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