600 work-related blogs

I can hardly find the time to read even a few of the blogs on my blogroll.

When I did yesterday I was a bit dismayed to see that Call Center Purgatory was no more.

Sensing, like I have done a few times before, that work-related blogs are losing their appeal I browsed a few more.

However, in about five minutes flat I came across some really good blogs. So, here are another eight for the blogroll.

A supermarket folly - an anonymous cog on a very small wheel in the gigantic machine that is the UK retail sector.
Confessions of a retail queen - manager divulging stories
It's your time you're wasting, not mine - teacher in the UK education system
Learn me good - a 3rd grade math teacher
Life on a roll of film - about the working life of a supermarket photo lab employee who likes to complain
Mr. Chalk - The horrors of the inner City comprehensive - read and weep
Pizza Hut team member - humour and facts about the inside of a fast food restaurant!
Redkudu - I'm an English teacher. I don't get angry. I just document.

1 comment:

me said...

Hi, James. I just found your blog and I plan to spend some time reading it through it. Looks like it will be a valuable resource for those looking for a career change.

I also have a work related blog that you may link to if you wish:


Diana (OfficeSmurf)