Younger workers feel the strain of work

A recent survey by a cider producing company has produced some interesting reading for the twentysomethings who are currently making their way in the work environment.

The survey sets out to compare attitudes and conduct at work for three age-related groups - 21 to 30, 31 to 44, and 45 plus.

Some of the findings make interesting reading as, for one, they can allow us to evaluate the extent to which management have tightened their grip on the attitudes and conduct of a new generation of workers.

Findings include:

1) The 45-plus group were the most irreverent at work in their 20s and enjoyed the most fun of the three groups when they were younger.

2) When it comes to time-keeping, today young workers stick rigidly to the expected office hours with 76 per cent saying they are rarely late for work. This compares to 65 per cent of people now aged 31 to 44 and only 43 per cent of the over-45s.

3) When asked how they enjoyed their work during their twenties, the over-45s confessed to having a great time - 54 per cent had a good work/life balance, compared with 41 per cent for 21 to 30-year-olds and 52 per cent of people aged 31 to 44.

An innate human characteristic that means we tend to forget or reinterpret the 'bad times' may explain some of the difference, but perhaps not all of the differences.

See Overworked, undersexed and in the office by Alison Hardie of The Scotsman for more details.

One more blog to add - OfficeSmurf in cubicle hell: A window into life in the big, corporate world, typified by an infestation of cubicles inhabited by a huge majority of behind-kissing, back-stabbing co-workers with a few decent people intersperced within.

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