Blog Wars

For those who are in the UK (and have access to digital TV) there is programme on BBC4 tonight that looks at the "strange new world of online activism".

In more detail:

"...Director James Rogan captures a hotly contested political battle on camera: the Connecticut Democratic Senatorial primary showdown between hero of the blogging 'netroots' Ned Lamont and heavyweight Washington insider Joe Lieberman."

A review in The Guardian today makes the following comment about the TV programme:

"Either the 21st century equivalent of irate letter writers - with green ink, naturally - or outriders for the democratisation of the media (or something), bloggers wield not-inconsiderable clout while having no responsibility. Which makes them cyber-prostitutes, no? Or possibly the only ones brave enough to stand up to hypocrisy and vested interests within the political process. While the debate goes on, Storyville looks at the impact of blogging, specifically in the American elections in 2004 and 2006.

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