Some work-related blog statistics

Two years ago I sent out a questionnaire to about 500 people who blogged about their work.

I got back just over 200.

For a number of reasons I've sat on the data for nearly 18 months.

So, for those who may find it interesting to know why some people have chosen work as the theme of their blog, what motivated them to start blogging about work, what motivates them to continue blogging about work, and, who tends to be the audience for work-related blogs, here goes...

Figure one: Why do you blog specifically about work?

Figure two: What motivated you to start blogging?

Figure three: What motivates you to continue blogging about your work?

Figure four: Who reads your blog?

I should have a full working paper that discusses these findings available some time next week.

It discusses work blogging as a single phenomenon and then against a wider trend in Internet application.

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