Web 2.0, worries and work

The BBC News website has recently run three articles on Web 2.0.

Firstly, Simon Atkinson looks at whether companies should 'let' their employees blog - see Companies urged: 'let your staff blog'.

Allowing employees to have their own blog is believed to be a positive thing for the firm.

Secondly, Mark Ward considers recent changes to the Internet that, unlike with the so-called dot.com boom/crash, have gone largely unnoticed see What is this thing called Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 in this sense is about how communities have grown around certain web-sites, blogs, etc.

Finally, Emma Wilkinson ponders over whether chatrooms could play a part in treating people with depression - see Can online therapy ease depression?

In this instance, Web 2.0 becomes "online CBT" and allows real-time therapy sessions from the comfort of the patient's home.

Currently, the possibilities surrounding Web 2.0 communication technology seem to be endless.

For me, it just confirms that we need go far beyond anecdotal tales of Web 2.0 and get some serious research done.

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