Happy at work hot and low spots

A survey by Badenoch & Clark in The Guardian the other day looked at worker satisfaction/dissatisfaction.

Some brief highlights from "The Happiness at Work" survey revealed:

- Almost one in four office workers are unhappy with their job
- Men working in IT and telecoms most likely to be disenchanted
- More men said they were unhappy at work than women
- The happiest worker in the UK is a female lawyer who drives to work in Bristol and has a female boss.

The survey also looked at which cities had the happiest and least happiest workers.

Workers who say they are happy in their jobs, by city:

Bristol 59%
London 56%
Birmingham 52%
Glasgow 51%
Edinburgh 48%
Cardiff 47%
Norwich 46%
Leeds 46%
Liverpool 43%
Newcastle 41%
Southampton 41%
Manchester 37%

For more details see Quarter of UK office staff 'unhappy' by Hilary Osborne.

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