Web and Work Survey 2008

Today I am launching my Web and Work Survey 2008 - please fill in my on-line questionnaire if you use the Internet in relation to any part of your job or status as a worker/employee.

It is a small research project funded by the School of Management & Languages at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

I would really appreciate anyone reading this blog posting to email my questionnaire to friends and colleagues.

Quick questionnaire details:

There has been very little survey research been conducted in the area of how employees/workers use the Internet (especially in the light of Web 2.0) as a tool used at work, as a tool for job-seeking and career development, and as a tool for organizing around employment-related problems.

My questionnaire has been designed to help build a picture of how employees use the ‘new’ Internet for a multitude of job and employment-related interests.

If you would be so kind as to help out, please click on the following web-link to get started - http://www.webandworksurvey.co.uk/

1 comment:

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