New models of work?

The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has produced some findings on how we now work and has come up with a range of new models to help explain the many changes in the workplace in the past few decades.

The EOC claims to build on two widely accepted models of working - flexibility and part-time work, and, home working.

The 'third generation' is said to combine "time-stretch and flexi-space options with greater control and choice for employers and employees over where and how work is done."

The third generation involves four new models of working:

- Timelords,
- Shift-shapers,
- Time-stretchers, and
- Remote-controllers.

For a general view of these findings and propositions see Transformation of work: Final report (EOC).

For the whole report see Enter the timelords: Transforming work to meet the future (EOC).

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