Good work equals good health

The Work Foundation has just published a paper that suggests 'good work' should be at the heart of government policies on health.

The report is based on the following argument:

"The quality of employment has an impact on health, life expectancy and life chances and government cannot make serious progress towards the reduction of health inequalities unless it has policies to improve job quality for the most disadvantaged.

Work is better for health and life expectancy than worklessness, but it is only really good for us if it is ‘good work’...".

For further brief details see press release - More ‘good work’ needed to boost jobs and cut child poverty by Stephen Overell.

The actual paper - ‘Good Work’: Job Quality in a Changing Economy by David Coats with Rohit Lehki - can be downloaded directly here.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ten Minute Job